2017 Survey Roundup: CIO and IT Trends

Michael R. Wood is a Business Process Improvement & IT Strategist Independent Consultant. He is creator of the business process-improvement methodology called HELIX and founder of The Natural Intelligence Group, a strategy, process improvement and technology consulting company. He is also a CPA, has served as an Adjunct Professor in Pepperdine’s Management MBA program, an Associate Professor at California Lutheran University, and on the boards of numerous professional organizations. Mr. Wood is a sought after presenter of HELIX workshops and seminars in both the U.S. and Europe.

What a year 2017 has been thus far…even an eclipse! With all that is happening in the world, who has the time to pour through all the IT-related studies and surveys that have been conducted over the past 12 months? So, to save you that effort, once again I offer for your consideration a survey roundup. Like last year, this roundup will focus on:

  • CIOs
  • IT salaries
  • IT spending
  • IT security

In addition, IoT and project management have been added to round things out.

In 2016, research organizations like IDC and CIO.com reported that CIOs made some progress: 40% of their peers perceived CIOs as the innovators that lead their organization through transitions into the digital world (cloud computing, mobile computing, etc.).

The 16th State of the CIO Survey noted that, in addition to traditional expectations of what they want from their CIOs (simplifying IT, improving security, implementing successful upgrades, etc.), CEOs are also looking to CIOs to focus their attention on customer acquisition and retention, leading product innovation and joining collaborations on customer-related initiatives.

Beyond supporting these latter areas with leveraging processes and their subject matter knowledge, it is unclear to me what role CEOs believe CIOs can play in these areas. In my experience, when CIOs cross territorial lines into a peer’s area of …

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Published at Thu, 05 Oct 2017 04:00:00 +0000