5 Things No One Tells You About Working at a Startup

I never experienced anything like working at a startup. There is a certain rush you get in this world and I can understand how people may get addicted to it. But there are things I wish someone had told me before I jumped in, so now I am here to tell you the inside scoop:</p>
Related: 10 Books Every Leader Should Read to Be Successful</a></b></p>
1. Say goodbye to sleep.</b></h2>
2. Get ready to be a nomad.</b></h2>
Our office is small and cramped, and we share an open space with some other startups. I gave up my desk about a month ago. I am "free range," which at first is frustrating when you must carry your laptop and bag around all day, but then is oddly freeing when you suddenly realize anywhere can be your office. I've embraced it.</p>
Related: 50 Rules for Being a Great Leader</a></b></p>
3. Learn to fail fast and move on. </b></h2>
I am afraid of failure</a>, but I am learning quickly to get over that. We launch a thousand ships daily, and sadly many will sink. I am the type of person to obsess over my mistakes, but here in startup land, I don't have the time to dwell. A boss once told me, "May all of your mistakes be little mistakes you can learn from." That's what I am trying to do now. Make sure my mistakes don't cost the company too much money</a> and make sure the solutions I find are invaluable.</p>
4. Ever ride a roller coaster? It's like that emotionally.</b></h2>
No day is the same and every day has its ups and downs. You learn to weather the storm, but like New England weather, my mood or outlook can change in a minute. As soon as we work on one idea, we suddenly need to learn to pivot. The speed and intensity can take a toll. There's rarely time to rest and reflect. We just keep moving and if you don't figure out self-care, you will crash.</p>
Related: Inspirational Quotes From 100 Famous Business Leaders (Infographic)</a></b></p>
5. In a minute, you can move mountains.</b></h2>
I have never accomplished more in such a short time span in my life. From idea </a>to execution, it's been amazing what we have been able to do. Despite all the exhaustion and frustration, I know we are onto something.</p>
If you are to be successful, you need to know yourself. Can you live with such constant influx and uncertainty?</p>
Startup life may not be for everyone. It's been a challenge for me to adjust to it. But, for now, I can't imagine life any other way.</p>
Working at a startup isn't about knowing the future, it's about creating it.</p>
Related video: How to Go From Starving Side Hustler to Success</b></p>
Published at Wed, 20 Sep 2017 14:45:00 +0000