5 Ways to Evaluate Your Change Activities

Elizabeth is a freelance writer and project manager living and working in London. She runs The Otobos Group, a project communications consultancy specializing in project management.

Change management is how we move people from where they are to where we need them to be in order to achieve a project’s benefit. It’s the activity that makes sure people are ready, willing and able to accept what changes we are laying on them.

As a project manager, I’ve had to lead the change management activity on most of my projects because having someone dedicated to change delivery is a luxury that simply didn’t exist. In my experience, many project managers have a hybrid project/change role because no one else is available to spend time on change management.

That makes it all the more important that we know what works and how to get the most out of the limited time we have to invest in change activities.

If you are going to do any kind of change management, you also need to think about how you will know if it has been successful.

How to Evaluate Change Management Activities
First, think about what tasks you are doing that are worth evaluating. It isn’t practical to evaluate every single thing you are doing—change management activities range from communication to training, stakeholder engagement meetings to setting up a network of change champions.

Think critically about what you are going to evaluate and when. For example, it’s useful to take a temperature check at various points through the project life cycle, on …

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“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”

– Rudyard Kipling

Published at Wed, 11 Nov 2020 05:00:00 +0000