6 Reasons You Don't Need a Business Partner

You take responsibility for whatever happens in your business. If your partner violates any laws, you may end up in court, too. This can lead to fines, expensive lawsuits and liabilities for damages you had no part in.</p>
When you have a business partner, you have the added stress of making sure you know everything your partner is doing. Even if you and your partner trust each other, you have to monitor your partner's work to avoid negligence, misuse, or violations. You have to make sure you both understand applicable laws and establish a set procedure for running the business.</p>
Even if your partner doesn't break the law, his or her actions may come back to haunt you. A shady or dishonest partner can lead to widespread distrust of your company which could do real damage to your business and personal reputation. </p>
Carefully consider whether you need a business partner and what benefits they'll bring you and the business before you sign on. I am much more successful, happier and creative without a partner. In my mind, when you build a business alone, you truly have succeeded!</p>
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Published at Tue, 19 Sep 2017 23:06:00 +0000