The Execution of FMEA in Risk Management of a Project

Niansheng Chu is a senior engineer and has served as a project management expert and leader in charge of design management since 2009. He now works as a director of procurement and the supply department in Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Company, a subsidiary of China state shipbuilding corporation (CSSC). He is beginning to study the technology of the supply chain. He has published several technical articles in top journals focused on shipbuilding in China.

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is one of the first structured techniques of failure analysis (Pesic, 2017), and is a very important tool in the engineering industry. The nuclear concept of FMEA is to sort out all of the main failure possibilities, and prepare backup solutions for each known potential fault. So, the philosophy of the tool will not be limited to engineering itself logically. This article illustrates the methods and functions of FMEA in risk management through the example of a ship design project.

Based on mastery of FMEA and the analysis of measurement failure that caused abnormal mistakes and modification in a design project, this thesis studies how to reduce ship design mistakes and improve the design quality through the application of FMEA, combining the analysis and activities of FMEA into the design process and forming a close-up management. Therefore, this proves the functionality of FMEA in risk management of a project such as a ship design. The innovation discussed by this paper is that the engineering analysis method is applied to the project management process; the paper also calls on the importance of the exchange of engineering analysis tools and management methods.

FMEA is an analytical procedure in which each potential failure mode in every component of a product is analyzed to determine its effect on the …

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Published at Wed, 02 May 2018 04:00:00 +0000