Winning Respect and Mindshare for Information Technology

PMI Southwest Ohio Chapter

Paul is a Sr. Project Manager with The Christ Hospital in Cincinnati. Paul’s 14 years of project management experience run the gamut of industries: health care, publishing, finance, manufacturing and marketing. Paul is PMP certified, and he holds true to the principles of project management when running his projects, which has resulted in many successes.

It has happened again! It’s mid-2018, in the midst of the information age, and while watching the news I learn of yet another “computer glitch” causing a disruption in service at a U.S.-based airline.

These images are all too familiar: passengers in queues longer than popular rides at amusement parks, looks of apprehension on the faces of ticketing agents, display monitors with “Cancelled” for every flight, and reports from weary travelers just wanting to get home. Once again, the airline CEO will insist that the CIO provide an explanation for this highly visible failure (in non-technical language), with assurance that it will not happen again.

Airlines are heavily dependent upon information technology for all facets of their business: reservations, staff scheduling, navigation and safety, just to name a few. However, the degree to which IT excellence happens in an organization can depend on the core product it provides.

I use the term “product” because businesses doing agile are becoming comfortable defining their value proposition in the context of a product. If information technology is not intrinsic to the product a company offers, IT is inherently limited in how much excellence it can demonstrate.

The span of contribution that IT can provide depends on the degree of information in the product the company offers. It is …

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Published at Wed, 27 Jun 2018 04:00:00 +0000