Fitting in Humanitarian Activities for Worker Engagement

Joe Wynne is a versatile Project Manager experienced in delivering medium-scope projects in large organizations that improve workforce performance and business processes. He has a proven track record of delivering effective, technology-savvy solutions in a variety of industries and a unique combination of strengths in both process management and workforce management.

Finding time to do humanitarian work can help your team be more productive. Need proof? There are many studies that connect charitable activities to increased employee engagement, and other studies that connect engagement to increased productivity (for details, see my previous articles and my blog Eye on the Workforce).

The question for you now is, “What practical actions can I take to attain these productivity benefits?” Here’s what you need to know to be successful…

What to expect from humanitarian work: Research has shown that actively helping others in a compassionate way leads to outcomes that improve employee engagement. When teams engaged in these activities, participants experienced… 

  • a “helper's high,” shared among the team
  • improved sense of well-being and reduced stress
  • increased happiness with sense of purpose
  • better attitude toward their employers and a more engaged feeling
  • more personal satisfaction 

Any project manager would love to have their project team members to experience the same. Choosing the appropriate tactics is the key.

How to organize for appropriate humanitarian work: Set aside time to plan out humanitarian work in advance, and consider the following actions:

  • Take advantage of any pre-scheduled periods or events for giving back organized …

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Published at Wed, 12 Dec 2018 05:00:00 +0000