The War on Experience

Over the past 10 years, Chris Cook has spent his career in the construction industry. He has a Bachelor’s of Science in Industrial Technology Management with an emphasis in Building Construction Management and Master’s of Science in Project Management. He is an accredited PMP. Follow more of Chris’s insights at his blog EntrePMeur.

Who cares how long you have worked? There, I said it.

There are people at your organization who have worked the same job for decades without learning a new task or gaining any responsibility. They sit at their desk and collect a check. When someone comes to them with a new idea on how to perform their job, it is immediately dismissed, and their day continues as normal.

Yet, when their decades of experience is brought up, it’s held in high regard because they have been around for so long and shown their dedication to the organization. In reality, they are working there because it is easy and does not challenge them. Those are passive years of experience.

The emphasis here is quality over quantity. Below is a breakdown of project management outcomes that require quality over quantity—making years of experience less weighted or irrelevant:

Contractors are a great example of quality over quantity. One contractor may get 20 catch basin adjustments done in a day, while the other gets only 12. That is a major difference. The catch (pun intended) is the contractor that gets 20 completed per day needs an extra 15 minutes of rework per structure when the paving crew starts. The contractor who does 12 per day gets each one within an acceptable amount for the paving crew to keep working.

The quality of the work is more important than the quantity. The …

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Published at Tue, 22 Jan 2019 05:00:00 +0000