The First Two Steps in Your Certification Journey

Following 20 years at a large Canadian telecommunications firm, Bruce established the project management consulting firm Solutions Management Inc (SMI). Since 1999, he has provided contract project/program management services, been a source for project management support personnel and created/delivered courses to over 7,000 participants in Canada, the United States and England.

A new year brings new hope. My only resolution is to invest in myself. This time I mean it! I’m going to get promoted, change jobs, lose weight, be a better person, stop smoking, be more social and reduce screen-time!

Promises, promises, promises. Every year I join thousands of others and make promises without a plan to make them happen. Does this sound like you or a member of your team?

How can this happen? I’ve managed hundreds of projects and recognize that nothing gets done without two simple elements: a plan and commitment.

It’s already February, and my commitment list seems stalled. Oh, I have lots of excuses: I’ve taken on a new role that is taking much more time than I expected. My family life has changed and different issues seem important. I’m obviously another year older, and some of the things that used to motivate me simply don’t.

Yet there are other issues that get me fired up, and I feel like I need to immediately “fix” it. Again…does this sound like you? Have you been talking about completing your CAPM® or PMP® certification forever…but just can’t get it done? My hope is that these two steps can help get you going:

1. Recognize the value. You know a PMI certification has value, but put a monetary value on it. You are about to make an investment in yourself and you need to …

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Published at Thu, 07 Feb 2019 05:00:00 +0000