Applying Project Management Skills to Guide Production of an Off-Road Triathlon Film

PMI Portland Chapter

Project management skills are applicable in many industries and situations. This article provides the author’s story of changing roles from an IT professional to a principal in a video-content firm and his process of considering and realizing how project management skills would transfer into his new role.

Specific points of commonality between IT and film projects are provided, as well as specific project management challenges that his first film project faced. The result of applying project management discipline to this film project is discussed.

As I rode in the passenger seat of the Sprinter van, with thick dust enveloping us, we charged up the gravel road struggling to keep pace with five professional athletes who were riding specifically engineered gravel road bicycles. I radioed one of the film crews, checked my schedule, and considered: Will we achieve our next milestone?

My new venture as a principal in a small film production company is gratifying, but it seemed that my time as a project management practitioner was at an end. Managing an ongoing effort, after all, is not project management. Running an organization has no defined end point, and the skills for success in that arena diverge from those for managing a project to a successful result. Savvy operational leaders understand that fact and, therefore, call on the specialized …

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Published at Fri, 01 Mar 2019 05:00:00 +0000