No-Collar Workforce: The Future of Project Management?
The use of artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive technologies (CT), augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) is increasingly taking a bigger role in corporate life. This allows companies to get into new revenue models—and managing human resources and machines poses a new challenge.
HR departments are also gearing up to deal with virtual workers, cognitive agents, bots and tons of other entities in the “no collar” workforce. In this article, I will try to bring a perspective from India (and across the globe) on how the no-collar workforce is shaping the future of project management.
Like another disruptive technologies, AI and robotic process automation (RPA) are threatening the need for some “human jobs” in the day-to-day workplace, especially with more mundane tasks. The dire headlines that we all see may cite impressive statistics across countries, but they do not consider a much more hopeful—and likely—scenario: In the near future, human workers and machines will work together seamlessly, each complementing the other’s efforts in a single loop of productivity.
In addition, HR organizations will begin developing new strategies and tools for recruiting, managing and training a hybrid human/machine workforce.
Project management is one such area that has experienced a sea of changes in the past three decades. In
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Published at Mon, 17 Jun 2019 04:00:00 +0000