Tips for Working With Remote Teams

Netherlands Chapter

Emily Luijbregts, PMP, is a project manager in Breda, Netherlands.

During a recent conference, an attendee asked me if I would share some tips for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their remote teams—and their working relationship. I’ve been asked this several times, so I decided to collate all of the tips into one article and share with the wider community.

1. Getting off to the right start. Having a good start to your project cannot be underestimated! It’s really important that you look at getting the team together at the start of your project. This is not just for team building, but also for working through the ground rules and expectations of the project/working style that you will use during your working engagement. 

How can you get off on the right foot? 

  • Share pictures of the team together so you can put a name to a face. I’d also recommend including a piece of personal information. This could be something as simple as:
    • John likes to volunteer at his son’s football team.
    • Sunil is a black belt in karate and loves Spanish cooking. 

Do not neglect the importance of team building—this means not ignoring the storming/norming phase during team formation.

Example of a “Team Board”

2. Look at your technology. This is something that is so important for effective working conditions for your team!

  • Is the bandwidth strong enough to …

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Published at Wed, 26 Jun 2019 04:00:00 +0000