How Project Management Empowers Youth Around the World


Regardless of what time zone we’re in, what language we speak or what region we represent, we can all agree: All social good is good.

At The PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF), we’re proud to support initiatives around the world that work toward teaching project management skills to youth to help better their future and power The Project Economy. As we move forward and continue to work with youth and the non-profits that serve them, we want to highlight global social good projects making a real impact in their communities.

In this series, we’ll showcase social good efforts from around the world, all working toward one common goal—to enable youth to realize their potential and transform lives through project management.

Following are a few examples of PM practitioners and PMI chapters making a difference in their communities—and how learning project management at an early age can inspire youth to achieve their goals, making their dreams a reality.

PMI Antioquia, Colombia Chapter Partners with the City of Medellín, Colombia
The PMI Antioquia, Colombia Chapter and its team of volunteers are making an impact and contribute to its city’s transformation by working in an area that can specifically benefit its young people.

The chapter currently has a team of 18 chapter volunteers who are working with the …

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Published at Tue, 03 Dec 2019 05:00:00 +0000