2 Awesome Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Feel Like Quitting

We all have had times in our lives where we felt like giving up, and what we did next helped define who we are as people. Generally, we’re proud of the moments when we persevere and see our goals to the end rather than abandon them when the going gets tough. 

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Ben Angel explains two strategies you can use to motivate yourself when you feel like quitting.</p>

The first is to remind yourself of everything you have to lose by quitting. Think about all the time, money and energy you&#39;ve poured into your project, and you&#39;ll realize that it&#39;s actually more painful to quit than it is to keep going.</p>

Click play to learn more about this and to learn Angel&#39;s second tip.</p>

Related:&nbsp;</b>Supplements and Health Tips That Will Improve Your Mindset

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Published at Tue, 26 Sep 2017 20:30:00 +0000