Agile: Overused and Misunderstood

Muslim is a PMO Director in Ontario.

“Is finding an agile implementation expert like chasing a unicorn?”

A friend of mine recently asked me this question, and it made me wonder. I don’t claim to be an agile implementation expert myself; I am only someone who had the experience of implementing agile and stumbling and falling (and failing) until I began to see some success. When agile began to work, it changed everything!

I come from the traditional waterfall software development shops and hardcore traditional project management background. I was a complete skeptic when I heard about agile in the early days. It seemed very loosey-goosey. However, today I truly believe that agile is the most efficient and effective way to develop software.

I am a true believer, and all I want to do with this article is share my opinion and experiences. It will not give you a prescription to implement agile, but if it raises some questions in your mind that you hadn’t thought of yet, my purpose will be served.

So let’s start with the question of the day: Is finding an agile implementation expert like chasing a unicorn? If you are looking for someone who understands the mechanics of agile and can teach you about sprint planning, stand-ups and writing user stories, you can probably find someone fairly easily. However, if you are looking for someone who understands the true essence of agile…

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Published at Mon, 30 Oct 2017 04:00:00 +0000