Apply Now for PMI Standards Consensus Committee


As you may be aware, PMI develops standards through deep engagement with a broad range of expertise from across the profession of project management in order to ensure that the standards are truly reflective of the profession at large.

These volunteers participate within various roles and groups, and among them, the Standards Consensus Committee (SCC) provides the final review and approval of new or revised/reaffirmed standards. Just as it is critical to ensure broad diversity of practice and industry among the development teams, it is equally important that the SCC reflects a balanced representation of interest categories.

To ensure this balance, PMI is actively seeking individuals from the Academic/Training, Consultant and General Interest communities to serve on the PMI Standards Consensus Committee (SCC). The interest categories, as approved by ANSI specifies the following: ·

  • Academic/Training: A member who is employed by or is a representative of an organization that engages in developing new knowledge at a research level and/or delivering project management education and/or training to individuals. ·
  • Consultant: A member who represents his/her own interest and who is knowledgeable in project management disciplines and earns income by providing project management products/processes/services.
  • General Interest: An individual or a representative …

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Published at Fri, 06 Dec 2019 05:00:00 +0000