Australia Gives Back

Carleton is an Associate Director Portfolio Management in Queensland, Australia.

In late November, project managers across Australia got together to give a day of service to the community in the best way a project manager can—by using their PM skills. At locations in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast, well over 100 project managers met with representatives from 72 charities at the third annual Project Management Day of Service held in Australia. Each charity brought a project concept and was matched with three or four volunteer consultants for an action-filled day of consulting services provided at no cost to the charity.

On the day, we all came together to brainstorm, mind-map, discuss and develop comprehensive documentation in one intense day-long session. By the end of the day, each charity left with a detailed blueprint of forward activity that would enable them to implement project outcomes that would benefit the specific client communities they served.

This was my second year of attending the Brisbane event, and once again I was humbled to make my small contribution alongside so many great project managers. Our efforts contribute to the worthy goals of charities that improve the lives of many less fortunate individuals. Project managers come from all walks of life to take part in this event, and all of them contribute their time: some take a day off work, others give a day of income-generating consulting activity, while others…

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Published at Wed, 16 Jan 2019 05:00:00 +0000