Every August, television and radio stations restart endless back-to-school commercials. Children cringe and ask their parents if summer vacation is over already. Parents assure them it’s not over yet, while (some) use their inner voice to count down the number of days until the kids will indeed return to school.
As parents or guardians, we know the value of education. The early years are used to develop the building blocks that lead to more specific education. Entering high school, students find themselves narrowing their focus and somewhat aiming their course selections at potential career selection. For those choosing post-secondary education, it becomes critical to choose the combination of the right institution and the optimal courses.
It is through these choices they give themselves the best opportunity to not only enhance their opportunity for employment, but also to excel as a professional. Surrounded by friends who may ultimately be their competition for the best jobs, they recognize the need to differentiate themselves. They need to stand out!
But…what about moms and dads and other adults?
As parents and/or busy professionals, life is—to say the least—hectic. Many of us are working excessively long hours. Others have more traditional work hours each week, but are busy with family, volunteer and social responsibilities. We treasure the…
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Published at Thu, 18 Oct 2018 04:00:00 +0000