Champions of Agile Adoption

Bart has been in ecommerce for over 20 years, and can’t imagine a better job to have. He is interested in all things agile, or anything new to learn.

In the first article in this series — “Agile Centers of Excellence” — we discussed what an Agile Center of Excellence (COE) is, and why companies are forming them. Then we looked at what the members of this group actually do — “The Roles of the Agile COE.” We conclude the series with an exploration of how these groups can help a company adopt Agile as a process, a methodology, and a “way of life.”

A COE is a centralized collection of coaches who have the charter of supporting teams as they move from whatever methodology they are currently using, and into an Agile process. They do this through knowledge sharing, guiding, observing and helping an organization leverage both industry best practices and best practices learned internally. The COE also helps by increasing lines of communication; if one team has figured out a great solution to an organizational problem, it can be difficult for that information to be spread. With a COE observing and auditing team meetings, ideas that are working and gaining traction can quickly be disseminated through all teams.

It is important to note that it’s possible for the COE to be more harm than good. This is actually true of just about every project management construct, but even more so for an Agile transformation. An Agile transformation requires a greater degree of trust: trust …

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Published at Tue, 14 Nov 2017 05:00:00 +0000