Changing Demands for Talent Education
The retirement of baby boomers has decreased the overall size of the talent pool. When you factor in the dramatic movement away from the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) curriculum, the talent pool is extremely shallow.
Now consider the growing percentage of programs and projects dealing—directly or indirectly—with aspects of STEM, and you begin to see the talent management challenge that is facing most (if not all) organizations around the world (one study suggests that “65 percent of all jobs in the economy will require post-secondary education and training beyond high school” by 2020).
Emerging technologies now come into play as well. Some estimate that the disruption caused by emerging technologies on our human resource models will be significant. It appears after a review of some of the current estimates of emerging technology adoption that the number of jobs eliminated by these entrants will be significant. The number of new jobs created by these same emerging technologies will be far less—so there will be a net loss of jobs.
It must also be noted these jobs will have very few individuals that have the skills to fill them. Educators and training institutions will likely be forced to adapt new programs in order to meet the demand in time. The reskilling of replaced workers will likely ease the reduction in demand for …
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Published at Wed, 05 Sep 2018 04:00:00 +0000