Corporate Culture: It's a 'Feeling'
It doesn’t take a lot of research on business social media sites to find endless references regarding how to develop, maintain or change corporate culture. There are countless companies—ranging from large international consulting firms to boutique companies—that will research, diagnose, analyze, report and recommend action plans that will take a company from where it is to where it needs to be. Executive recruiting companies thrive on finding senior leaders who have a reputation of implementing organizational change.
All of these firms provide a necessary service, yet more than 35 years of business experience has shown me that culture is both difficult to define and even more challenging to change. There are theories, including views posted on this website, related to this month’s theme that organizational culture shouldn’t be a management priority. I respectfully disagree.
Corporate culture defined
Let’s start with trying to define organizational culture. I found an interesting article in the November 2017 Forbes Magazine that defined it as “the beliefs and behaviors that permeate your organization.” I like it! How can we say business leaders shouldn’t focus on the very soul of a company? In my opinion, the way business is conducted is what differentiates one company from another.
In today’s business world …
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Published at Wed, 25 Jul 2018 04:00:00 +0000