Delivering Organizational Agility
In the last article (Defining Organizational Agility), I provided a definition of what organizational agility means in the real world of organizations today. The goal is always to build an environment where shifting needs can be responded to efficiently and effectively, and that requires preparation and commitment.
You can’t decide to implement organizational agility on a piecemeal basis one project at a time. Instead, you must create an environment where project managers and their teams are empowered, skilled and confident to deliver success in a continuously evolving world. How do you do that?
The fundamentals
The internally focused elements of organizational agility are designed to allow the organization to adjust to new opportunities and threats as quickly as possible—while minimizing the disruption that such changes cause.
If you’ve been involved in project management for any length of time, you know that change is frequently disruptive—and as the amount of that change increases, the potential for things to go wrong also increases. In theory, agile project delivery makes it easier because that is designed to embrace change through progressive elaboration of the solution. But in reality, agile can be disrupted just as much when the change is to what has to be delivered rather than just how to deliver it.
Creating an environment where
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Published at Mon, 09 Sep 2019 04:00:00 +0000