Detailed Design and Engineering & Preconstruction

PMI South Florida Chapter

Mark Annunziata, PMP, entered the construction industry after college as one of the youngest general contractors certified by the state of Florida. He ran his own general contracting business performing and executing every phase of his business from business development, estimating, contract negotiations, project controls, and project execution through handover. His firm has produced housing projects, multifamily, commercial, retail, high-rise, and high-end homes along the eastern coast of Florida.

In response to my recent experiences in answering some basic questions about the construction process, I decided to present a series of articles describing basic tier 1 requirements and the project manager’s responsibilities in running a live construction project. It became obvious to me after reading many of the questions proposed under the construction topic that neither the questioners nor the responders had much real, live construction project experience.

My experiences include tier 1, 2, and 3, but since tier 1 is the most demanding (and the most common worldwide), I elected to provide brief glimpses into the processes of tier 1 construction project management. I hope to alleviate the missing knowledge base within our group regarding construction projects through this series of articles.

We all like to read lessons learned stories that describe mistakes and solutions executed by construction teams. However, these stories do not always make it to the public domain. I offer some of my experiences as real examples to young, up-and-coming hopefuls to the project manager role.

Most of the following subjects—detailed design, preconstruction, planning, execution, and closeout/handover—are described within the tier 1 environment. Within tier 1, the projects’ values are usually in the hundreds of millions of dollars. The requirements …

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Published at Thu, 01 Aug 2019 04:00:00 +0000