Do You Understand the Power of Failure? Creativity and Innovation Is the Backbone of Continued Improvement in Project Management

PMI Karachi Pakistan Chapter

Muhammad leads organizational transformation, building capacity to enhance organizational competence for advancement in strategic direction, effective governance and control.

The project management approach extensively supports creativity and innovation to progress on projects—where team members are required to fearlessly experiment on processes to find better solutions for continuous improvement. This article provides an understanding of failure that is, in fact, underpinning the creativity and innovation for projects to help team members to challenge the status quo and make advancements for improvement. The lack of understanding of failure negatively impacts team productivity, continuous improvement, and changes in processes, essentially resulting in micromanagement of projects, which kills progress and impacts an organization’s competitive edge. 

What Is Failure?
Do you feel comfortable with discussing your failures? Generally, not. It is an illusion.

Often “failure” is taken negatively and considered a weakness when, in fact, it means you are producing, you are growing, and you are gaining insight. You kill creativity and innovation by not allowing yourself and your team to fail. This approach will keep you and the team in a rut with no possible improvement.

Failure is supposed to be a great teacher. But if that’s true, why are so many of us unable to acquire the knowledge that this “great teacher” has to impart? Why do we keep failing?

The problem is that failure might be…

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Published at Thu, 24 Aug 2017 04:00:00 +0000