Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch Ep. 3: Want a Job, a Baby or Some New Friends?

Every week on the new show Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch, aspiring entrepreneurs have 60 seconds to wow a panel of investors with a pitch, literally delivered in a elevator, for their business or product. These judges decide whether to open the elevator doors to their boardroom — or send the eager entrepreneur back down.
From new social networking apps to fertility trackers, episode three is packed with ideas to improve people’s lives, but not all of the entrepreneurs behind these solutions will get to step through the elevator doors. Which contestants will the judges grant more time? Or funding? Stream the show above to see for yourself, and if one of the pitches has you sold, become an early supporter of your favorite idea via Indiegogo.
Click here to support your favorite entrepreneur on Indiegogo
Entrepreneur Elevator Pitchin partnership with Sports 1 Marketing streams Wednesdays on entrepreneur.com.
Published at Wed, 04 Oct 2017 10:00:00 +0000