Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch Ep. 9: Simplifying Your Daily Routine

Entrepreneurs need to know how to sell an idea any place, any time. On Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch, contestants get 60 seconds to pitch the next big product or service to a panel of investors, until the elevator stops at the boardroom floor. If the judges like what they hear, they invite the eager entrepreneur in for a quick meeting. Which innovators will get a shot at a deal, and which will be sent down to the lobby when their elevator pitches come up short? Check out the episode above to find out.

This week, entrepreneurs present ideas for improving mundane aspects of our everyday lives, from workwear to airline travel. Their products have the potential to make the daily grind a lot easier, freeing up more time for the hustle. Which hopeful founders will the judges fund? Steam the episode to see their ideas for yourself, and remember to support the most promising inventions on Indiegogo.

Click here to support your favorite entrepreneur on Indiegogo

Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch in partnership with Sports 1 Marketing streams Wednesdays on entrepreneur.com. Follow Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch on Facebook.

Published at Wed, 15 Nov 2017 10:00:00 +0000