Feed the Energy

PMI Pittsburgh Chapter

Melissa Gottschalk is a seasoned project management veteran with over 15 years of experience.

Positive energy, one of the most powerful and important predictors of organizational success, is often overlooked or poorly represented. When the topic of energy is brought up, it most often relates to the tolls of stress, burnout, depression, tension, anxiety, fatigue, disengagement, and fear. Rarely do people consider the power of positive energy. I feel this is a major blunder. Focusing on negative events only brings about more negative events. A leader must concentrate on the positive to bring about a positive result while never fully losing sight of or ignoring the negative. I believe that if we focus on the positive, the negative will dissipate.

Evidence has shown that positive-charged project leaders create extremely high performance within the organization. Positive energy is described as the feeling of aliveness, arousal, vitality, and enthusiasm. It is the revitalizing force that energizes us with the passion to achieve, to create, and to persevere.

It’s all about the vibration.

The vibration that we feel generates from positive energy, which unlocks resources and an almost superhuman capacity that will shock and amaze you.

What is positive energy?

Energy is anything that invokes a response inside you. For example, anything that makes you tick, ponder, feel, or react. Energy comes in different forms.


“Positive …

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Published at Tue, 24 Apr 2018 04:00:00 +0000