How to Avoid the Project Status Meeting

Jim is a project manager in Ballwin, Missouri. He has been managing IT projects since 2000, and started program management in 2016.

Project team status meetings are boring. Worse, they take up valuable time the project team could be using to identify and discuss issues, manage risks, review the project schedule and other more productive activities.

With all of the competing demands for the time of project resources, it’s critical that the project manager keep meetings on track and concise. After all, the team may only be able to meet as a full group once per week, and often some of the group are not able to attend that consistently.

So how then can the project manager get updates from the team on the progress of assigned tasks if not with a weekly status meeting? Through individual status updates. Each project team member should be responsible for reporting a few things:

  • What task is currently being worked on?
  • How many hours of this task were completed for the week?
  • Has the original task estimate changed based on what was discovered during the week?
  • How many hours will the resource be available to work on the project next week?
  • Are there any issues or roadblocks that are stalling or stopping progress?

Each team member would be responsible for providing this information by a given time and date each week, and the project manager would be responsible for collecting the information, using it to update the project schedule and then sharing this updated schedule at the project team…

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Published at Mon, 13 Aug 2018 04:00:00 +0000