How Two Entrepreneurs Turned an Idea Into a Blooming Floral Business


If you are buying someone flowers for a special occasion or picking a bouquet to brighten up your home or office, the entrepreneurs behind Bloom2Bloom want you to know where your flowers are coming from and who grew them. Their social impact floral company is dedicated to bringing consumers flowers that are grown in the United States. Each artisan bouquet is made directly on the farm and hand picked 24-48 hours before it is shipped. Co-founder Laurenne Resnik sat down with Jessica Abo to discuss how she and fashion designer Whitney Port started their company and how they support Wish Upon A Teen.

Related: How One Entrepreneur Turned $200 Into a 7-Figure Business Group

Watch more videos from Jessica Abo on her YouTube channel here.

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Published at Fri, 17 Nov 2017 21:30:00 +0000