Insulating Your Organization from Internal Attack

Mike Donoghue is a member of a multinational information technology corporation where he collaborates on the communications guidelines and customer relationship strategies affecting the interactions with internal and external clients. He has analyzed, defined, designed and overseen processes for various engagements including product usability and customer satisfaction, best practice enterprise standardization, relationship/branding structures, and distribution effectiveness and direction. He has also established corporate library solutions to provide frameworks for sales, marketing, training, and support divisions.

A friendly connection can be a gateway for intrusion. Case in point: We should all feel a healthy dose of paranoia when we think about connecting our devices to a network or the web, regardless if they seem friendly. A frequently mentioned example involves hackers gaining access to a casino’s database of high-esteem visitors by going through a smart thermostat used to regulate the temperature of a lobby fish tank.

One doesn’t have to go knocking on the main (and well-protected) entrance to get in—all one has to do is find an unsecured point to crawl through the back door to get to the goodies and then take them out through the same way. The simplicity of modern devices and the functions they perform often lays the groundwork for an inexpensive solution—one that, in order to remain easy to use and affordable, often does not employ innate privacy and security protections.

The ease of use and installation can make complex tasks easy to take charge of and manage, but that can also make it easier for those who are “in the know” to circumvent controls and gather privileged, confidential and private information. 

There have already been a number of articles out there warning of how the Internet of Things (IoT) has opened a Pandora’s box for hackers and wannabe thieves and extortionists; however, we still hear about simple …

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Published at Wed, 20 Jun 2018 04:00:00 +0000