Managing Power in Interactions in Team Relationships

PMI Karachi Pakistan Chapter

Muhammad leads organizational transformation, building capacity to enhance organizational competence for advancement in strategic direction, effective governance and control.

Project implementation endeavors often demand the use of power to achieve the desired outcomes. The way this power is wielded determines many aspects of the team’s performance such as making or breaking cohesion, the engagement or disengagement of team members, high or low performance, and the weakening or strengthening of organizational culture.

The discussion here provides an understanding of the bases of power one derives and exerts, particularly a project manager in team relationships, and discusses ways to create an environment of high performance while minimizing negative feelings.

High-performing organizations do not just come into existence accidentally; rather, they are the outcome of a conscientious endeavor to build a positive atmosphere in the workplace. Once care for human the element, principle-focused actions, togetherness, and a strong leadership approach come into practice, it has a ripple effect on the surroundings, creating a culture of high productivity.

Organizations need to manage performance issues right at their start. The team productivity problem emerges from misunderstandings in interrelationships and the confusion of human issues with processes. Not addressing these issues in due time and with care for others leads to problems. Any subtle negativity in the team environment may cost the organization heavily in terms of their …

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Published at Mon, 10 Sep 2018 04:00:00 +0000