Master's Candidates Use Philanthropic Projects to Complete Capstone Course

PMI Minnesota Chapter

Dr. Michael O’Connor is Director of Strategy and Project Management, Ph.D., for Medtronic.

Michael O’Connor is a community faculty member at Metropolitan State University. He teaches a project capstone course (MIS-699) in the Masters of Information Systems.

Metropolitan State is a public university in the Twin Cities that offers high-quality, flexible and affordable options in undergraduate, graduate and continuing education. Based upon data from the 2016-17 academic year, students range in age from 15 to 83.

The MIS-699 project capstone is a course in which students are placed into project teams consisting of four to five team members. Twin Cities organizations are solicited for systems development or other related projects. Community faculty oversees the teams. Group project and individual reports are created, and weekly reports are communicated to the sponsor and instructor. Clients’ perceptions will be determined.

This experience will give the students many networking opportunities and project management opportunities in addition to the critical opportunity to apply what they have learned in a rigorous way. Theory and practice will merge to meet the fast-paced requirements of a real world IS environment. When the cohort successfully completes its project, they will present and submit the final deliverable to the sponsor—and its members will have valuable experiences to draw on for years to come.

All project teams and sponsors are …

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Published at Tue, 28 Nov 2017 05:00:00 +0000