Mona Patel Had to Fight Her Heritage to Become a Successful Entrepreneur: What You Can Learn From Her Story and Courage

Mona Patel is a hugely successful user interface and user experience expert. She’s an engineering and psychology expert who combines her two fields of study to help audiences connect with a website. She’s a CEO and an author.

She’s also a woman of Indian heritage, and women of Indian heritage are taught from a young age to put others first — particularly males. In this episode of Leaders Create Leaders, Patel sits down with Entrepreneur Network partner Gerard Adams to explain how she fought her heritage and Indian tradition to put herself first and become the entrepreneur she is today.

Click play to learn more about her journey.

See more episodes of Leaders Create Leaders Season 1 and 2 on Gerard Adam’s YouTube channel

Related: Greatness Is a Process: Why Every Good Entrepreneur Bets on Himself

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Published at Wed, 16 Aug 2017 12:30:00 +0000