New Practice Guide Addresses Benefits Realization Management


Benefits realization is the common thread that runs from organizational strategy through project deliverables that contribute benefits. However, research has revealed benefits realization management (BRM) practices are not clearly understood, and not used effectively in the management of portfolios, programs and projects.

Benefits Realization Management: A Practice Guide, PMI’s first standards publication in its 50th anniversary year, seeks to close this gap and will help you drive more successful outcomes and better strategic alignment in your organization. It helps integrate BRM across all types of delivery approaches, tailored into an appropriate practice within portfolio, program and project management.

Inside you will find:

  • Standardized definitions for benefits realization, benefits realization management and associated benefits realization terms.
  • The core principles of benefits realization.
  • The benefits realization management life cycle from organizational mission, vision and strategy through project deliverables and success measurement, and how this life cycle contributes to the expected benefits and value that the organization intends to realize.
  • A framework and guidance to help practitioners manage benefits realization in organizational project management and portfolio, program and project management.

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Published at Tue, 15 Jan 2019 05:00:00 +0000