People-Driven Innovation Management: Why People Are the Most Important Part of the Innovation Process

Javier Augusto has been a telecommunications engineer (University of Vigo) since 2009. Additionally, he holds a master’s degree in advanced signal processing applications (University of Vigo, 2012). His career has been mainly related to project management and innovation management. He holds a Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification from the Project Management Institute. Currently, he is working as a R&D project manager at Televes, responsible for several national and European projects.

Innovation is mandatory in the current environment, where digital transformation is running the destiny of many companies. This article aims to describe the importance of making people the engine of innovative revolution in companies to successfully survive in the current global market. An analysis from four different points of view (end user, team, organization, and environment) of the importance of people in the creative process is done, and the relation of these four factors with project and company management procedures is reflected upon.

Research and development (R&D) project management is challenging due to the high uncertainties inherent in this subject and the current, fast-changing environment. Therefore, many corporate strategies and enterprises are struggling with the real-world trends, where the number of innovative startups and the new digital-based services are changing the rules of the game (for example, Uber changing the people-transportation market [Stone, 2017] or Airbnb dealing with its own tourism revolution [Thompson, 2015]). This article aims to describe the importance of using people as the engine of innovative revolution in companies to successfully survive in the current global market.

My Journey From Technical-Driven Development to People-Driven Development
As a person with a strong technical background (as with many …

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Published at Wed, 03 Jan 2018 05:00:00 +0000