PMO Rollout: 5 Tactics for the Project Manager

Joe Wynne is a versatile Project Manager experienced in delivering medium-scope projects in large organizations that improve workforce performance and business processes. He has a proven track record of delivering effective, technology-savvy solutions in a variety of industries and a unique combination of strengths in both process management and workforce management.

You are a project manager and you hear that a new project management office will be rolled out soon (or maybe it’s a major upgrade to the existing PMO). You have a project in flight and naturally have concerns. There will be changes to organizational structure, new project management processes and procedures, new templates, a new system for storing project records, and new interactions. Will you have to do rework? Will the changes make your tasks a source of project delay?

As a project manager, you must be prepared for the transition. That means using specific tactics to stay on top of changes so that you have the opportunity to mitigate any negative impacts.

Tactic 1: Be alert for all impacts during the transition.

  • Look for conflicts with your current work. You will have to attend training or transition meetings and need time to learn how to do specific tasks in a new way. Anticipate these activities to take longer than you initially expect. Many of the daily tasks you complete will require more rigor and, for a while at least, be more time-consuming. Once you get a transition schedule, start looking for conflicts with your current project activities.
  • Identify instances of getting bogged down with new process. This comes from rework on any PM deliverables such as a project management plan, business requirements and so on. And it comes from work stoppage as …

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Published at Mon, 23 Apr 2018 04:00:00 +0000