Preparing for an Innovation Initiative: Working With the Vendor

Joe Wynne is a versatile Project Manager experienced in delivering medium-scope projects in large organizations that improve workforce performance and business processes. He has a proven track record of delivering effective, technology-savvy solutions in a variety of industries and a unique combination of strengths in both process management and workforce management.

Have you been chosen for an initiative involving an innovative new application or way of doing business? Or are you considering becoming a project manager in such an initiative? It is valuable experience and can really build up your resume for the future.

On the other hand, it can be significantly different than your previous experience in many ways, leading to unpleasant disappointments or failures that will not be good for your career. But fear not, because there are steps you can take to prepare—and thrive! 

First, an "innovation initiative" is one that introduces a drastic change designed to improve organizational performance. For example, it can be the installation of a new powerful application that improves productivity, speeds performance of services and/or replaces multiple other applications. The key characteristic here is disruptive

One area where such a project is different than a more typical project is how vendors are used. If the innovation project involves an innovative application (as many do now), then you must be prepared to work with a vendor and associated specialists who expect to plan and execute the installation of the new more highly automated application.

The fact that the new application is "innovative" and not just "better" also means that the results of the implementation will be different&…

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Published at Tue, 26 Feb 2019 05:00:00 +0000