Recent Salary Survey Shows Earning Advantage for PMPs


Across 37 countries included in PMI’s latest salary survey, Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification holders report higher median salaries than those without the certification. This is a key finding of the upcoming Earning Power: Project Management Salary Survey 10th Edition―a leading source of data on project practitioner earning―incorporating responses from more than 33,000 project management practitioners.

On average, survey respondents who are PMP holders in the countries covered by the research report earning 23 percent more than those without the certification. For example, while data varies widely by country, it shows that PMP certification offers exceptional advantage in South Africa, where PMP holders report a median salary 58 percent higher than those without the certification. PMP tenure also plays a role—among survey respondents in most countries, median salary steadily increases with the length of time one holds a PMP certification.

The table below shows the salary advantage in the five countries reporting the greatest difference between PMP holders and those without PMP certification.

Annualized Salary (in U.S. dollars)




PMP Advantage

South Africa




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Published at Mon, 22 Jan 2018 05:00:00 +0000