Rethinking Project Management: From Best Practices to Next Practices

PMI Singapore Chapter

Velimir is a Board Member for the Project Management Institute Singapore Chapter.

Best practices are about today, and in most cases the applied solution is to imitate the best competitor. In other words, best practices suggest making use of a working method or set of techniques that are accepted as being superior to use in a particular business or industry.

As the economic spotlight has relocated and the world is in a constant state of flux, progressive organizations recognize that only innovation keeps them ahead. Doing better relates to best practices; however, over the last decade, doing differently has become a norm. The rate of change is as fast as we continually exchange ideas, and thus we have to embrace a new paradigm and utilize next practices.

A next practice is about tomorrow’s success, and the most lucrative organizations constantly aim to create value by being and doing different than the rest (and not only their competitors). Disruptive times are moving the boundaries and writing new norms. The definition of competitors has also changed, and industry edges have blurred.

Airbnb, Uber, Spotify, Udacity, GitHub and Tesla are often mentioned as big disruptors. However, a number of business leaders question the disruptions impacting all kinds of companies across virtually every industry; but these are the disruptive times we face. The business landscape is transforming, presenting…

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Published at Mon, 02 Jul 2018 04:00:00 +0000