Scam or Superior Product? How One Entrepreneur Dealt With Scandal After Early Success.

Hopefully, your business never has to deal with scandal. But, how would you deal with it if it ever does?

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Gerard Adams sits down with Shredz CEO Arvin Lal to talk about how Lal built his exercise supplement company — how he built a brand and customer trust. Then, Lal and Adams talk about what happened when one of Shredz’s influencers photoshopped pictures of himself to exaggerate his own fitness level.

How has Shredz recovered from the controversy and criticism? What can you take away from the company’s success and struggles? Click play to learn more.

See more episodes of Leaders Create Leaders Season 1 and 2 on Gerard Adam’s YouTube channel

Related: Don’t Believe Anyone Who Says You Have to Be a Starving Artist

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Published at Mon, 11 Sep 2017 20:30:00 +0000