Agile has become increasingly popular in the past decade as it’s quick due to the iterative sprints and parallel work structure. But are organizations using agile as an excuse to cut corners in project management?
In our “instant” and “throwaway” world, many organizations think that traditional project management techniques like waterfall do not support the urgency that most projects require—which is why several companies, especially in the IT industry, are adopting agile for product and software development. (In its look at best practices for agile/lean documentation, Agile Modeling notes that “Documentation is an important part of agile software development projects.”1)
My observations from the past few years indicate that many times in all the rush, proper planning and essential documentation is overlooked or ignored. Agile does not mean no planning and no documentation; however, it does mean leaner documentation and focused planning. In some worse cases, like during the final lap of testing, user acceptance testing is rushed through with pending defects to be rolled into future sprints. This often leads to re-work when the companies realize that something that was overlooked was actually crucial.
If agile was not meant to have any documentation, there would not be standard templates. The fact that there are templates
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Published at Mon, 24 Jul 2017 04:00:00 +0000