Supercharging the PMI Talent Triangle®: An Introduction to ‘Architectural Awareness’
Before you say, “Not another article on the PMI Talent Triangle®, I already know it’s the best thing since sliced bread,” let me lighten your concern. This article is about taking your sliced bread and turning it into a gourmet meal that will supercharge your career. Okay, maybe a little hyperbolic, but if you give me a few minutes, I will introduce you to an ally of a different nature, one you may have believed a foe. If embraced, this belabored friend will establish a relational bridge between you, your organization and your teams, propelling your career and projects to new levels of success.
I always love a good abstract, and one day I hope to write one. Until then, you are probably wondering how you could have a bridge-builder in your presence and yet know nothing about their capabilities or desire to be your friend. Why the disconnect? Well, it’s a perception issue, as your new potential friend carries a name that most project managers associate with the “technical delivery” side of the house.
In this context, the phrase “technical delivery” refers to the teams or groups that are producing the outcomes and outputs of the project (e.g., IT professionals, subject matter experts, construction engineers and the like). Although his name does conjure up images of technical wizardry, he exists
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Published at Wed, 15 May 2019 04:00:00 +0000