Survey: Help Us Understand Corporate Culture

If you were asked to describe your organization’s culture in one word or a single phrase, what would you say? Innovative? Stagnant? Cumbersome? Supportive? It’s complicated?

Culture is made of instinctive, repetitive habits and emotional responses, which can’t be easily pinned down. It’s constantly self-renewing and slowly evolving. It weaves its way in and out of topics as far-reaching as innovation, psychology, neuroscience, and good old-fashioned HR tactics.

At its best, corporate culture energizes employees and makes them feel good about working to advance a company’s goals, according to Jon Katzenbach, author of several books on organizational culture, leadership, and teaming, and founder of the Katzenbach Center, the innovation center for organizational culture and leadership with Strategy&, PwC’s strategy consulting business. At its worst, he says, culture can be a drag on productivity, undermining a company’s long-term success. Chances are, your company’s culture falls somewhere in the middle.

In short, it is complicated — and there is still a great deal to be discovered. That’s where you come in. The Katzenbach Center is launching its Global Culture Survey, and we would like you to participate.

The survey seeks to shed light on specifics about how culture evolves in an organization.

The survey seeks to explore how culture is viewed, its role in successful transformations, and what differences and similarities may exist in cultures across industries, geographic regions, and management levels. The survey will also look at the future of work, the forces that shape work, and implications for organizational culture. In participating in the survey, you’ll be contributing to the development of this important knowledge base.

All responses will be kept confidential, and the survey should take about five minutes to complete. In return for completing the survey, you will receive the following:

Take the Global Culture Survey

Published at Tue, 28 Nov 2017 06:00:00 +0000