The PLOT Thickens: Two Generations of PMs Advance the Profession

When Visvajit Sriramrajan chooses a profession, he may follow in the footsteps of teacher and mentor Sriramrajan Rajagopalan. Even if he doesn’t, he’ll still be equipped with valuable project management tools and knowledge to help him succeed in a 21st century career. That’s because Sriram took the time to teach project management skills at the local high school with his own curriculum called iProject Leaders of Tomorrow, or PLOT. Below, first teacher and then student take time to explain what the experience meant to each of them, and what’s coming next.
My Experiences with PLOT
by Sriramrajan Rajagopalan
Every high school is focusing on preparing their students for several types of career choices. Promoting a combination of both the self-directed learning as well as the experiential learning through group or team projects, teachers in high schools prepare their students for entering college.
When students are not taught the foundational principles of the 10 knowledge areas that the professional project management discipline offers to any professional career, how can these students maximize the learning that should occur from all these activities?
My experience as a parent led me to believe that most high school teachers don’t even know project management as a profession, let alone benefit from using it to maximize the learning
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Published at Tue, 28 Nov 2017 05:00:00 +0000