The Problem with Overemphasizing Communication
Effective communication is the key to successful implementation of any plan—irrespective of whether that plan concerns a project, program, product or routine day-to-day business activities. In a worst-case scenario, lack of communication (or poor communication) can lead to complete failure of your plans. In moderate (or relatively low-impact) conditions, ineffective communication can introduce a high magnitude of waste work, conflict, performance issues or failure to meet certain objectives.
There is no arguing that effective communication is inevitable to successful implementation of your plans. The responsibility of ensuring a supportive environment and setting up ground rules for effective communication lies with the leader or the responsible manager.
Having said that, it is noteworthy that many times, you come across scenarios where communication becomes overemphasized—which doesn’t always add value to your work, and instead can become counterproductive.
The famous words of wisdom that “excess of everything is bad” stands true for communication as well. If communication becomes overemphasized, it can create serious problems. When the team becomes too concerned about communication, it may result in decreased performance, wasted team effort and conflicts—and can even lead to a point where team members start using it as a weapon for
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Published at Mon, 11 Sep 2017 04:00:00 +0000