The Unanchored Project Manager Vol. 4: Monitoring and Controlling Life as an Unanchored PM

Michael is a technical project/program management manager.

One of my objectives of this series is to introduce ideas that resonate and provide motivation to ensure your passions are integrated into your daily life. Dedicating more energy to your passions doesn’t always mean making a drastic change like the one I made (and have shared in these articles). The change can be as simple as shifting your mental focus to ensuring you prioritize what fulfills you in life.

If you read my previous column on the execution process of unanchored project management, you’re familiar with some of the obstacles that must be overcome to successfully live this way long term (but living as an unanchored PM may not be a proper fit for many people). In this month’s installment, I want to explore how to extend this lifestyle for longer than just a short-term holiday by reviewing the monitoring and controlling process—with lessons that may prove valuable to all of you even if you aren’t unanchored. This process must be closely managed in order to maintain proper alignment of the execution process.

Administrative Items
Living without an actual physical address poses certain obstacles in which creative problem solving is required. The world is not designed for digital nomads, and although I attempt to be as self-sufficient as possible, there are certain items I must rely on others to assist me with. Below are a few of the …

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Published at Wed, 05 Sep 2018 04:00:00 +0000