This Is Why Entrepreneurs Succeed After the Pitch Show Ends

The hustle never stops.</b></h2>

As an entrepreneur, you can expect to think about your business day and night. But, are you ready to put that time in after your day job?</p>

Many of the small-business owners on Funderdome have kept their full-time jobs&nbsp;and work on their business during their free time. For instance, Shane Vermette invented Right Shears, a pair of ergonomically friendly scissors. For two years, Vermette spent nights and weekends working on Right Shears, while he spent his days working as a software engineer at a large corporation.</p>

These entrepreneurs don&#39;t start their businesses as a way to get rich quick. They have what I call &quot;the artist&#39;s drive&quot; — they have an idea, and can&#39;t imagine not </i>executing it. Money isn&#39;t what motivates them to start their business — it&#39;s the unassailable urge to bring their idea to life. And because they&#39;ve kept their day job and aren&#39;t relying on their idea to support them, they have more runway to develop and grow their side hustle</a> into a thriving business of its own.</p>

I learned a ton while hanging out on the Funderdome set for a few weeks. More than ever, I believe that each of us has an entrepreneur somewhere inside of us, and that with determination, community&nbsp;and a plan, we have the power to share our ideas with the world — whatever those ideas may be.</p>

Published at Thu, 05 Oct 2017 17:30:00 +0000