Topic Teasers Vol. 108: Leading People to Change
Are they just making up new things for project managers to do these days? My boss now wants me to lead a team to create and introduce some major organizational change. I’m used to doing projects where there is something tangible to show at the end of it, and I barely lived through the last time we tried to change things around here. Isn’t change management a human resources function, not a project management one?
A. Change is exciting and is a good thing to keep us from being bored. As the project manager, if you can keep a happy and smiling persona, regardless of your real feelings about the change, others will follow you and they will accept and use whatever you are substituting for their current processes.
B. It is human nature to be resistant to change. You can create the best product in the world, but people are stuck in a rut remembering what they now think was a perfect product. Resign yourself to failing on this project (or just resign).
C. Every project manager is in a sense a change manager. Most of the end results of our efforts result in internal or external customer changes, often attached to a new product, software or service that was the more obvious part of the project. Showing you can get acceptance, use and…
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Published at Thu, 05 Jul 2018 04:00:00 +0000