Leadership Communications: Keep It Simple

Khaleeji FZ LLC (UAE) Chapter

Akshat is a project manager in the United Arab Emirates and has 14+ years of experience boosting organizational productivity by serving as an indispensable partner to businesses and executive leaders.

There are times when we don’t need complicated advice with profound examples to explain a point. When it comes to your personal and professional life, it’s often best to keep it simple! There are times when managers, in the pressure to complete the scope of a project, forget the basics of effective communication—and that can lead to disastrous results.

There are several simple methods for communication and organizational skills that leaders can follow to avoid issues during the later stages of any project lifecycle. During the initial stage of a project, team communication is extremely critical. Here are a few tips that every PM needs to keep in mind:

1. Get team buy-in. When you are starting a project, you need to remember to call everyone. No, I don’t mean for you to climb on top of the roof and call every possible individual in your organization for the upcoming project meeting (please don’t even try that unless you are looking to quit the very next day!).

As I reflect and draw on my past experiences, there were times when project managers called in just the team leaders and department leaders to discuss the scope of the project and its requirements.

Do you know what they forget to do? They forgot the concept of team buy-in, and that is a brutal judgement error! Do you realize what will happen when the project catches steam? If a PM …

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Published at Fri, 28 Jun 2019 04:00:00 +0000