What Is an LMS (and Why Do I Need One)?
You have experienced project team members that have vast amounts of knowledge, but sometimes they need to be ready for the next big technological jump and have the necessary skills and abilities to make that hurdle. Training and education programs integrated within your organization and accessible by staff and management are important steps to keeping your associates intellectually fertile and fresh. Just how you keep all this information organized and usable is another matter.
Providing staff with business courses and learning in general are employer investments that go a long way. They demonstrate to employees that they are needed and valued, and that someone believes in them and sees the potential for personal success. Not to be confused with reward systems, a company that demonstrates it has different measures of investing in its staff also wants to build workforce esteem and self-worth.
An LMS (or learning management system) is a software application/service that helps organizations track, document, report and deliver educational courses and training programs to a workforce. Long thought to only be useful, beneficial and cost effective to larger firms, smaller businesses are also able to incorporate their advantages.
LMS models that utilize SaaS (software as a service) can help smaller organizations (often with tight budgets) to have similar opportunities to…
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Published at Wed, 22 Aug 2018 04:00:00 +0000